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Tips and Trends for Dressing Your New Bee in Newborn Baby Clothes This Summer

Reported by: John Doe, Edited by: Josef Jones | Updated: 2017-05-17 10:16:50 | Posted: 2016-04-26 09:49:19

Having summer baby is not that easy to handle as it seems to be. May be you do not need to deal with the infant snowsuits, and the chilling cold, but there are challenges to be met in rendering comfort and style to the little new bee during the scorching heat. You might get confused on the types of dresses to be bought, as the newborn baby clothes wholesale companies craft so many varieties of them.

From body suits to the cute pajamas, vests and the tanks, you will get a multitude of options to choose from and it is up to your preferences and the baby’s body type on which outfit to select.

To clear the air of confusion, we have brought together the essential tips to lend you to decide the correct wholesale newborn clothes in summer:

Use layers

This might sound weird, but yes, layers are not just winter essentials. As the little one keeps getting shuffled between the outdoor heat and the inside cold air conditioned rooms, to save him from the unpleasant temperature changes, the layers work to give ample body insulation. While indoors in cold temperature use lightweight layers like vests and jackets to keep things in tune with the outer temperature.

Protect from the harmful sunrays

The newborn babies have highly sensitive skin, hence slip him into full length lightweight and breathable clothes which will help in full body protection from the heat of the outdoors. The clothes must not be bulky, as that will cause discomfort to the little one.

Fabric type and color

For clothes in summer, the fabric must be pure cotton and colors should also come in light shades, so that extra heat is not produced. The moisture wicking facilities must help to keep him dry and fresh all throughout. The undershirts made of cottons are helpful to absorb sweat and colors like pinks and light blues or faded yellows will reflect light and keep him warm.

Get the right fit

While choosing the wholesale newborn baby clothes for the little ones; make sure you choose the right fit. The clothes shouldn’t be too tight, rather loose ones would work better in giving ample freedom to body movement.

The most essential clothing pieces which must be stacked in your wardrobe crafted by the wholesale newborn clothing companies:

Cotton onesie

The easy and loose fitted t-shirt fastens effortlessly between the legs and can act as the first layers of outfit.

Bottom wear

The shorts, skirts or pants can be used to dress the baby for an outdoor event. These can be combined with cotton onesies for a complete makeover.

Long sleeved sleeper

For sleeping in air conditioned rooms; the long sleeved tees help to keep the baby warm.


The pajamas come in both light and heavy materials and can be used to dress the baby according to the room temperature.


For a little colder temperature during night while travelling, the lightweight vests can give warmth to the babies.

Reported by: John Doe, Edited by: Josef Jones | Updated: 2017-05-17 10:16:50 | Posted: 2016-04-26 09:49:19

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